Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.

Adams Ayo
2 min readMay 2, 2023


Objects in mirror are closer than they appear but subject to change.

Mirrors are said to be reflections of an image placed in front of it. Mirrors to me are a reflection of a story. An art. A life. The same way Cameras tell memories. Time in a capsule. Hearts before lenses.

What you see is never what you get. We are all disguises who continue to disguise. We are coated with sugary flavours and when you look through our eyes, the world is never similar. I love lenses because through them I tell a story I want others to believe. Like writing.

I know. What is she saying? Every human is a story book being written and unless you read it, you never truly understand where the story has been.

When you look in the mirror, You are not just a pretty girl in an outfit. That is you staring at yourself. Your scars, Your demons, Your burdens and your love all tugging at you.

For a long time as a teenager, I struggled with the idea of being loved. Girls scratch each other with words. I have scars that I see when I stand naked in front of my mirror from those words. Words that are forever imprinted in my mind. I did my fair share of scratching too.

I am very unconventional or at least so I have been told. Somedays, I am self absorbed. When I am on my period, I am self hating. I love the word unashamed. We all are never unashamed. We hide parts of ourselves some days even from ourselves.

Stare in the mirror, look into those eyes through your lens. That is who you are. Not the Chanel, Not the Birkin. It starts from that flesh underneath all that. It starts from the curves clothing your soul. Whether you feel good about them or not. It starts from the words that come to mind when you see yourself naked. Fat? Thin? Pretty? Ugly? Then it gets deeper. The words that describe the person beneath those uneven curves.

Kind? Angry? Bully? Loved? Neglected? What ever words come to mind, that is who you are in that moment. Your mirror reflects YOU. The parts you hide. The parts you wish never existed. The parts that are forever imprinted in your heart. So when next you say “That is just who I am”, Look through its lens and ask If it is who you wish to be.

I looked in my mirror just now. First words. Beautiful, messed up, Unsure, Ugly shape, Confident, Loved, self absorbed. A work in progress.

Mind you, You are always closer than you appear.

Let us be grateful to the mirror for revealing to us our appearance only.”

Samuel Butler



Adams Ayo

Architect * Writer * Smart Ass * feminist *weirdo* opinionated to a fault.